
Covering a range of topics, Emerson grant recipients explore fieldwork, laboratory and library research, and the development of teaching materials. The students will make public presentations of their research throughout the academic year.
  • Student applicants will submit information about their topic, including the number of weeks they will take to complete the project (up to 10), and the name of their faculty advisor by the pre-application deadline of January 24. This information will allow us to get in touch with advisors directly about the application review process, and help students put together thoughtful and manageable proposals by seeking guidance from their advisors early in the application process.
  • Students who complete the pre-application will be given information about how to submit their regular application by the February 19 deadline.

2024 Details

**Please read very carefully as there are changes from past years:

  • Selected research fellows will receive a $525/week summer stipend for up to 10 weeks.
  • Students will be required to work full-time for 1-10 weeks.
  • Students will be required to submit a research plan, an end-of-summer report, and prepare a final presentation sometime during the next academic year.
  • Summer research fellows are eligible to stay on campus for the duration of their research.
  • Students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 are eligible to participate.

Application Process

  1. Connect with a faculty member with whom you’d like to collaborate.
  2. Complete the pre-application by January 24, 2024.
  3. You will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the full application.
  4. Submit the full application by February 19, 2024.
  5. Grants are awarded by email by the end of Spring Break.
  6. Research is completed no later than August 16, 2024.

Some preference will be given to proposals that come from areas of the curriculum where there is little or no other funding for summer work. Proposals for a variety of projects are welcomed for “research or other scholarly or creative collaboration outside the confines of the classroom.”

Awardees are selected based on the quality of the proposal and the collaborative nature of the research project. Other stipulations on the award include progress reports generated before and at the end of the project, and a public presentation, primarily by the student, on the results of the collaboration made during the 2024-25 academic year.

All substantive research or creative activity for the project must be completed by August 16.

Important Notes

If your proposal involves the use of campus studios, labs, or similar facilities, your proposal should include a list of equipment or facilities needed as well as a statement of support from the faculty member or administrator responsible for that equipment or those facilities.

Please note that if your proposal is approved and the project involves interviews or other activities with human subjects, you will be required to receive clearance from the Institutional Review Board before you begin your project.

Any International travel will require you to connect with the Office of Global Learning to ensure you understand what is required of you for this kind of travel.

If you have any questions regarding the proposal, please get in touch with Maddie Carrera at mcarrera@hamilton.edu or 315-859-4562.

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