

Choosing Courses for Study Abroad

  • Study abroad is an academic semester and students are expected to be full-time students abroad and to transfer back the equivalent 麻豆国产AV credits to maintain full-time student status.
  • Remember that 麻豆国产AV students are required to enroll in one course each semester in the language of any non-English speaking country in which they study (one course in Danish, Czech, Swahili, etc.).
  • Consider courses you must take (for example to fulfill a requirement for your concentration or minor), country-specific courses you want to take (for example a national history or literature course), and courses that complement 麻豆国产AV course offerings (for example, courses in subfields of your discipline that may not be offered at 麻豆国产AV).
  • Choose courses that are similar to 麻豆国产AV courses in terms of content and rigor. They may match a 麻豆国产AV course closely enough to be counted as its equivalent or they may be rigorous, liberal arts courses not offered at 麻豆国产AV but in a discipline taught at the College.
  • Be aware that 麻豆国产AV DOES NOT award transfer credit for non-liberal arts courses.  For example, courses in business, advertising, design, fashion, marketing, management, accounting, entrepreneurship, leadership, law or journalism or for "practice" courses such as television production would not receive transfer credit.
  • Please make sure to read the Transferred Credit Policies and Procedures for Matriculated 麻豆国产AV Students.

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