
The WC Director provides writing pedagogy and curriculum development via workshops and individual consultation on course design, developing writing assignments, and responding to and assessing writing. The Director also facilitates in-class workshops, designed in consultation with faculty, to support various aspects of the writing process and assignments. Contact to request. Additional materials about teaching writing are available here
Multilingual Student Support

If you would like to learn more about supporting the multilingual students in your class, contact Laura Widman.

If you have a multilingual student in your class who you would like to refer for writing, speaking, listening, and/or reading support, please email Laura Widman at lwidman@hamilton.edu and CC your referred student or refer them for support using .

The Writing-Intensive Program

The WC Director and the faculty Writing Advisory Committee work together to assist the Dean of Faculty and the Committee on Academic Policy in administrating the college's writing program.

Peer Tutoring in Writing

Peer tutoring in writing is a key support service for 麻豆国产AV faculty and students. The writing tutors help fellow students with writing across the disciplines and at all levels as they develop their ideas, arguments, and organization. 

The advantages of writing conferences are many. Students receive feedback from experienced peer readers, they start assignments early, and they write multiple drafts. 麻豆国产AV students participate in more than 2,800 conferences a year; over 90% of students use the Writing Center during their time at 麻豆国产AV. To require conferences, please .

Individual Referrals

You may refer students having significant difficulty with writing to the WC Director for ongoing professional tutoring.

Writing Advisory Committee 2024-25

The Writing Center director and the Writing Advisory Committee are available to meet with you to discuss any aspect of writing instruction.

  • Margaret Thickstun, Jane Watson Irwin Professor of the Humanities, 2026
  • Celeste Moore, Associate Professor of History, 2026
  • Wei Zhan, Assistant Professor of Economics, 2025
  • Naomi Guttman, Jane D. and Ellis E. Bradford ’45 Distinguished Writing Chair, ex officio (F; S-NYP)
  • Jennifer Ambrose, Director of the Nesbitt-Johnston Writing Center, ex officio

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