

Be There

College students are adults; therefore, every meeting does not need your attendance. It is important that you are consistently present at meetings and events, and that you are accessible for questions and concerns, but you do not need to be at every meeting and every event. If possible, set up a regular meeting with the organization chair/president to plan agendas for executive and general meetings and help the president plan for upcoming business and events. This demonstrates your interest and provides continuity.

Help Plan

Successful activities take planning. Encourage foresight. Help the group think through its event plans and logistics. Pay attention to other College activities to ensure that your organization's event does not conflict with another similar, competing event. Help the group to be realistic in the scope of their program ambitions. The staff of the Student Activities Office can help in planning.

Know College Policies

All student organizations are subject to regulation by the Student Activities Office and the College.  The benefits of recognition granted by Student Activities and the College include:

  • Use of College name.
  • Reservation and use of campus facilities.
  • The opportunity to create an organization email and use of mass email listservs.
  • Ability to establish membership dues and raise funds.
  • The opportunity to request funds from Student Assembly (or other identified funding source).
  • Use of a College budget line managed through the Student Activities Office.
  • The ability to use Student Activities resources to publicize programs, events and activities.
  • Use of the Student Activities Office website to make organization information available.
  • Use of College vehicles (when available).
  • Use of College Print Shop.
  • Ability to reserve cash boxes, cash advances, credit cards, and Hill Card readers for event purchases and fundraising. 
  • Use of computer printer for organization business.
  • Assistance in developing programs.
  • Sound and technical support for programs (provided by AV Services).
  • Ability for Student Activities staff to review and approve and sign-off on offer letters and contracts for artists and event services.
  • Ability to table and fundraise in Beinecke Village / Martin’s Way.
  • Participation in various events for recognized clubs and organizations, such as the annual Student Activities & Organizations Fair.

Scheduling and Event Planning

Student organizations planning events that will be attended by anyone outside the organization’s membership, events that involve expenses, income, or contracts, should work through the Student Activities staff. The student in charge of the event should contact Kaity Werner (x4516) in Student Activities at least ten days in advance of the event.

Student Activities staff will help students access their organization financial accounts, schedule space, request funds, and plan the event.

Manage Risk

As an advisor of a student organization who receives funding from Student Assembly, a College endowment, a department, or other College funding sources, you are responsible for advising your club to minimize and manage risk. Encourage students to plan safe events and manage their risks. Insist that all plans consider state law and College policies.

Use Available Facilities

The College attempts to make facilities available to student organizations, and reserving them can be done through the 25Live reservation system. Advance planning is the key to reserving space. There is much competition for rooms on some nights and weekends. Student organization events are published to the online Events Calendar.

Know About Money

Each semester, the Student Assembly Treasurer send out the deadlines for submitting budget proposals. Ensure that your organization meets funding deadlines and is aware of their current balance for future events. Encourage a treasurer’s report in each executive board meeting. If your organization’s Treasurer is unsure what the balance is, Student Activities staff can assist.

Stay Informed

Encourage students to regularly update their online registration through the Organization Database. Be sure that the organization is regularly providing current information to Student Activities regarding:

  • Up-to-date officers’ lists and contact information
  • Upcoming events that would require a contract
  • Funding concerns
  • National or international conference opportunities
  • Awards or honors received by individuals or the group

Understand Commercial Sponsorship

College policy does not allow the financial support of student organizations by commercial sponsors. If a vendor is interested in sponsoring a student organization, this should be discussed with Auxiliary Services.

Blow the Whistle on Hazing

The College prohibits hazing. Hazing is defined as any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another person for the purpose of membership, advancement, or continued good standing in any organization or group recognized by the College. In addition, any requirement by a member or pledge which compels a member or pledge to participate in any activity that is against College policy or New York State Law is defined as hazing.

Hazing behaviors include but are not limited to the following:

  • forcing or requiring an individual to drink alcohol or use other substances or consume unreasonable amounts of food;
  • engaging in activities that compel an individual or group to remain at a certain place, or transporting anyone anywhere without their knowledge and/or consent (road trips, kidnaps, etc.);
  • creating excessive fatigue or distress through the deprivation of privacy, sufficient sleep, or decent and edible meals;
  • participating in morally degrading or humiliating games and activities;
  • participating in or creation of situations that cause physical harm or emotional strain, such as causing a member or non-member to be the object of malicious amusement or ridicule;
  • using brutality or force.

Any of these activities, if a condition either directly or indirectly, of membership, advancement, or good standing in a College-recognized organization, shall be presumed to be a forced activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding. The College may treat the action of even one member of a group as constituting hazing by the entire group.  Executive leaders of an organization found responsible for hazing are also subject to disciplinary action.

Hazing is a violation of the New York State Law when such action by a group or organization recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation or affiliation with any organization. Any individual/group or organization found responsible for hazing will be subject to disciplinary action, which may result in probation, suspension, or revocation of College recognition.

Spending a considerable amount of time questioning whether or not a particular activity violates the hazing policy is usually a good indication that the activity may indeed be considered hazing. For additional clarification, or to discuss the matter further in a safe and confidential setting, feel free to contact Noelle Niznik in the Student Activities Office (x4194).

Give Praise

As the advisor, the organization officers will look up to you for advise and feedback. Celebrate their successes! Let them know when they have done excellent work and when you are proud of how they handled a situation.


Kaity Werner

Assistant Director of Student Activities

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