

Spring 2025 Registration Notifications

The Spring 2025 schedule will be available to view in mid-October. At that time, you will be able to log into Student Planning and filter for the Spring 2025 semester courses and place courses on your Schedule Grid in preparation for advisement and registration. 

Registration Dates:

Class of 2025 November 11 & 12

Class of 2026 November 14 & 15

Class of 2027 November 18 & 19

Class of 2028 November 21 & 22

  • You will need to be cleared by your Academic Advisor and have no registration holds in order to register.
  • Please see your advisor about their appointment schedule.
  • Check your registration information page in Student Planning frequently, as a hold may be added up until the day of registration. 
  • For additional information, please refer to emails from the Registrar’s Office. 

Remember: You can use the Student Forms Dashboard to check the status of electronic forms you have submitted. Note that the courses listed at the bottom of the Dashboard do not always represent your current schedule. Be sure to use Student Planning to confirm your final courses.

Schedule Registration Restrictions
Printable Excel Schedule Class Year Seats

Registration Tutorial & FAQ


Procedure for Regular Registration

  1. Contact your faculty advisor about their advising plans. Don’t wait until the last minute to talk with your advisor.
  2. You can use Student Planning to review the course schedule and prepare for registration.
  3. Review your Program Requirements and "My Progress" in Student Planning.
  4. Preview the upcoming semester's Course Schedule.
  5. Discuss your course choices for the upcoming semester and academic plans with your faculty advisor.
  6. Your advisor must update your status in Self-Service in order for you to be eligible to register. Confirm that your advisor has done this. You will not be able to access the system if your status has not been updated.
  7. You must have cleared any registration holds before you can access the system. This will include holds placed by the Business Office or the Dean of Students Office.
  8. At your assigned time, log in to Student Planning to access the registration system. (see: Registration Process for more information about the registration “time window.”)


  • Students may register for no more than 4 full-credit courses during the registration period. Students who want to take 5 full-credit courses may pick up the extra course during the add/drop period.
  • Students may register for partial-credit courses in addition to the 4 full-credit courses. The maximum number of credits at this time may be no more than 4.75 units.
  • All students are advised to have one or two alternate courses for each preferred choice. This will make the registration process go more quickly in case you find a conflict or are closed out of a first-choice course.
  • COURSES ARE FILLED ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS. The status of a course will be updated to CLOSED or WAITLIST when the last available seat has been taken.

NOTE: Many departments have restricted courses to specific class years. Please check the Class Year Seats list when you plan your schedule. In addition, you can see Registration Restrictions on Self-Service by clicking on the section link and looking in the Additional Information section (be sure you are searching under the correct Term). 

Section Balancing

Multi-section courses may require balancing after registration to assure an even distribution of students among the sections and to place as many students in the course as possible.

Courses with Permission Required

To register for courses that are not open to you due to a registration restriction or because the course is closed, you can complete a Permission to Register form to secure approval from the course instructor. Once approved by the instructor (and advisor, if applicable), the form will then be routed to the Registrar's Office for processing. You can monitor the status of your Permission to Register forms on your Student Forms Dashboard.

If you do not have the required prerequisite, contact the instructor prior to your registration day to waive the prerequisite in Self-Service so that you can register yourself. Contact the instructor with questions. 

Schedule Adjustments

There will be a schedule adjustment period after the registration period. Dates and times will be announced at a later date.

Class Year Determination

Class year is determined by the total number of units a student is currently registered for and the total number of units completed. Class years are changed when it is determined that the student will not have enough credits completed at the end of the term to complete with the rest of the class, normally after the add period ends. If a student is able to make up the credits through approved summer transfer credits, a class year can be adjusted after the work is completed.

Students who plan to complete their requirements in December will be members of the following May’s class and will be granted their diploma at the ceremony in May.  A Class Year is always recorded as the year of the May in which a student is calculated to graduate based on total units.

Students normally complete 4 units per semester.  When a student is short of the minimum hours for their Class Year, their record will be reviewed and Class Year changed, if appropriate.

Students will receive notice of their class year change and the appropriate offices/department on campus will be notified.

Critical Language Courses

Korean is offered as self-instructional courses with students meeting in small groups four times weekly with a student tutor. Exams are administered and grades assigned by an outside examiner. Please read the Student Study Guide on the Critical Languages Program website for important information on program format. Follow the normal procedure for enrolling in Korean. The class schedule will be determined within the first few days of the semester, after reviewing the students' and tutor's schedules.

Text Books

Information about required textbooks can be found online by clicking on the section link in Self-Service. Only courses that have determined final textbooks will have this information available on Self-Service.

Additional information may be available from instructors. You can also learn more about buying your textbooks at the College Bookstore.


Office of the Registrar

8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

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