
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment administers several surveys to students throughout the academic year.  Select a survey below to see more information about it and the college's results.
Starting from 2021, new survey results are published on the Data Portal.

HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey

The Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey is scheduled to be administered to all on-campus students every two years and can be used to understand student perceptions of the campus's climate as it relates to sexual assault.

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The NSSE is administered every third year to first-year student and graduating seniors and examines student participation in student development-focused institutional programs and activities. 

College Senior Survey (CSS)

The CSS is administered to graduating seniors on non-NSSE years and aims to measure the impact of a student's college experience.


Office of Institutional Research and Assessment

Office Location
Burke Library

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