

This site was created to provide the 麻豆国产AV community with an introduction to copyright law, educational fair use guidelines, links to licensed, public domain and royalty-free resources, and related information for faculty, staff and students who use copyrighted materials in their teaching, research and coursework.

As a community it is important that all members respect the rights of intellectual property owners by adhering to the , the 麻豆国产AV College Copyright Policy, and understand the limited rights allowed by the fair use exemption.

Copyright Overview

Copyright provides the creators of original works of authorship with a limited set of exclusive rights to copy, distribute, and perform their works.

Copyright law gives copyright owners the exclusive right to:

  • reproduce a work
  • prepare derivative works based on the original
  • distribute copies
  • perform the work
  • display the work
  • perform the work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission, in the case of sound recordings

Copyright-protected works include:

  • literary works
  • musical works, including any accompanying words
  • dramatic works, including any accompanying music
  • pantomimes and choreographic works
  • pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works
  • motion pictures and other audiovisual works
  • sound recordings
  • architectural works

What cannot be Copyrighted:

  • works in the public domain
  • ideas
  • facts
  • raw data
  • names, titles, slogans, or short phrases -- in some cases these may be protected by

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