

First-Year Spaces

First year buildings are Keehn, Major, North, Wallace Johnson, Wertimer, Dunham (basement, 1st and 2nd floors and some rooms on the 3rd floor), and Glenview. January Admits will be placed in vacant first year spaces and specifically designated rooms.

Gender-Inclusive Housing

Students are permitted to live with any other student regardless of biological sex, gender identity and/or expression, except on floors designated as single gender. On floors designated as single gender, students must identify as sharing the designated gender of that floor.

Questions about single gender areas are welcomed and can be answered by the Office of Community Living. Requests for specific arrangements under this policy should be made at least two weeks before the applicable housing selection.

About Housing Contracts

The Housing Agreement will be found in your Student Handbook. Each student is expected to be aware of and abide by the guidelines expressed in the Housing Agreement. Anyone who chooses to live in specialty housing will be required to abide by the rules and regulations outlined for that area in the Community Living Policies and Procedures section of the Student Handbook.

Housing Selection Manipulation

Any attempts to manipulate the housing selection process and/or change room assignments during or after housing selection is a serious policy violation. The consequences for making an unapproved room change at any point will include one or more of the following: moving back to your original assigned room, being penalized in a future housing selection, and being subject to judicial action.

If someone pulls another student (or students) with the knowledge or intention to stay on leave in the spring (study abroad, transfer, etc.), the case will be reviewed and your status in future housing selection processes may be jeopardized. WHEN YOU SELECT A ROOM IN THE HOUSING SELECTION PROCESS, YOU HAVE COMMITTED TO THAT ROOM FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER. ALL HOUSING SELECTIONS ARE FINAL.

Note to Students Who May Remain on Leave

If you select a room in a housing selection and then decide at some point that you are not returning to campus, the space you selected will be given to another student without housing. In many cases we are unable to notify the other occupants of the room or suite before the room assignment is made.

IMPORTANT: Do not select a room in the housing selection process if you are not planning to return to campus for the spring.

Residence Hall Photos, Descriptions and Floor Plans

View Residence Halls


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Community Living

8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

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