
The College has a food service contract with the Parkhurst Dining and recommends them to cater for your reception needs. Wedding receptions may be scheduled in College facilities ONLY if catering arrangements are compatible with the College food service schedule.

Prices per person for meals and details on ordering procedures can be obtained by calling Parkhurst at 315-859-4985 or 315-859-4992. Billing for catered events will be done directly with your caterer.

Parkhurst is the only accepted service provider for the Little Pub due to liquor licensing. Parkhurst is the only service provider for receptions held in Commons Dining hall and Bundy Dining Hall due to contractual obligations. An off campus caterer may be contracted for food service provided they meet NYS Health Department requirements and insurance liability policies are in place. Parkhurst must be allowed to compete in the bid process with other off-campus caterers for on campus events. 
Access to kitchen facilities is limited for off-campus caterers. Some locations have small kitchens and staging areas–others do not. Dining hall kitchen facilities are not available to off-campus caterers.

Approved caterers:

  • Parkhurst Catering: 315-859-4985
  • A Moveable Feast


Dannelle Parker

Associate Director of Conferences & Summer Programs

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