
We hope that no one will need medical treatment while in France, but in case it happens, here is a summary of health information.
Pharmacie Paris

Before departure, students should bring a full supply of their medicine, of all prescriptions and make arrangements with their own practitioner for online consulting including mental health (if remote consultation is legal in your state). 

Check if your college provides support for study abroad.

There is a great number of first-rate medical services and facilities in Paris and everywhere in France; the cost of medical care is generally lower than in the US. Emergency services are also well-developed throughout the city, and in some cases, house calls are possible.

Upon arrival in France, students receive detailed information regarding health care and psychological services, including an updated list of English-speaking practitioners.

Insurance Coverage

Students’ Responsibility

While enrolled in HiF, students must be enrolled in their home insurance; students should check in advance what services their insurance will or will not cover while in France, including mental health.

Included in HiF Tuition & Fees

HiF enrolls students in GeoBlue International Travel Health Insurance at no charge.  This insurance covers medical costs for illness, accident, and injury that occur while abroad. 

GeoBlue Insurance Coverage

  • All students, regardless of their current insurance plan, will be automatically enrolled in GeoBlue International Insurance by HiF. The cost of insurance is included and will not be billed to students. GeoBlue does cover pre-existing conditions, emergency medical and natural disaster evacuation, and repatriation. A student-member guide can be accessed in the HiF program bulletin shared with students. 

    While students are automatically enrolled and have coverage, they will need to "register" themselves with GeoBlue's online portal (web and/or phone app) in order to have full access to GeoBlue resources. This includes locating doctors, viewing plan coverage, filing a claim, etc. Students will be enrolled prior to departure and will receive an email from GeoBlue (customerservice@geo-blue.com); students should check their spam folder in August (Fall/AY students) or December (Spring students) in case it is directed there instead of to their inbox. 
  • Students can add their support systems to their GeoBlue portal after they have registered themselves online (if they would like someone else to have access to their insurance information). 

    Students must still retain their domestic insurance (provided by their school or family) while abroad; this is a precaution in case students need to return to the US and provides for coverage before/after the program. 

Psychological Services at Reid Hall

Support for mental health support is different in every part of the world. There is a chance that the level of support for mental health in France will not be identical as the one provided on your home campus --

HiF partners with a consortium of trained psychologists who are native English speakers: Psychological Services at Reid Hall. 麻豆国产AV covers the cost of the first two consultations; students are responsible for further consultations, payable at the end of each consultation. All consultations, including the first two covered by HiF, are confidential.

GeoBlue insurance will also cover consultations for students who have experienced a crisis starting during the stay in France. You should also check what mental care is covered by your home insurance.

When appropriate, referrals to psychiatric, psychological or medical services outside of Reid Hall are suggested and facilitated.


We encourage all students to do physical activity. Paris has multiple fitness clubs to cater to a large portion of the population who practices a sport. Some activities are available through the university system (for students enrolled in a French university). But running or walking the streets of Paris is very easy and convenient.

麻豆国产AV will reimburse 75 euros per semester for wellness activities.

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Students share their discoveries, challenges, and adventures during the 麻豆国产AV in France program.


麻豆国产AV in France


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