

Procuring chemicals from G083
(Special Hazard Room)

Chemicals stored in G083 include those simply requiring special storage temperatures (refrigerated and frozen), as well as refrigerated, frozen, and room temperature Particularly Hazardous Substances (PHSs). Non-PHS chemicals can be obtained in coordination with Mary Collis or the Director of EP&S. PHS chemicals require special precautions as specified in Section 8 of the Chemical Hygiene Plan. A Particularly Hazardous Substance Use Approval Form (found in Appendix G of the CHP) must be completed prior to obtaining a Type 1 PHS. Once the form has been completed and approved, Mary Collis will retrieve the desired chemical from storage.

Procuring Needles/Syringes

The Biology and Chemistry departments’ stock of needles and syringes are secured in G083 (Special Hazard Room) and inventoried by Mary Collis, as required by the New York State Department of Health. All syringes and needles transactions must be made in coordination with Mary Collis or the Director of EP&S, so that both security and accurate records are maintained.

Procuring Ethanol

Stocks of 95% and 100% Ethanol are housed in G081 (Flammable Storage). With the exception of a 55- gallon drum of 95% Ethanol, the inventory is secured in a locked flammable storage cabinet, as required by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Both 95% and 100% Ethanol are available in pints and gallons. 95% Ethanol can also be dispensed in any quantity from the 55-gallon drum. All ethanol transactions must be made in coordination with Mary Collis, so that both security and accurate records are maintained.

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