

The Science Center is the College’s largest and most technically complex facility on campus. As such, identifying and resolving maintenance issues before they become emergencies are vital to maximizing the facility’s capabilities and functions. Mary Collis, with the assistance of Facilities Management, directly manages the inspection and maintenance program for the following Science Center equipment:

  • Emergency equipment
    • Small lab spill kits, emergency eyewashes/showers, sink-mounted drench-hoses, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, gas shut-off valves and emergency call boxes
  • Fume hoods (72)

In order to optimize the efficiency of the facility maintenance process for equipment and processes that Mary Collis does not personally inspect and maintain, it is vital to adhere to the following:

  • For major issues or emergencies which if unresolved in a timely fashion threaten critical facility functions, employees should notify Mary Collis in the Stockroom of the nature of the maintenance issue, and she will work directly with Facilities Management (and submit work orders through the as is necessary) to facilitate the corrective action process.
    • In the event the maintenance issue/emergency occurs outside of regular business hours, employees should contact Campus Safety (x4000), who will initiate contact with the appropriate Facilities Management personnel.
  • For less than major maintenance issues that are typically more related to user comfort or appearance, employees should notify Mary Collis of the issue by email. Mary maintains a spreadsheet of minor maintenance issues to be resolved as follows:
    •  If the issue has to do with cleanliness or lighting, Mary will work directly with the Custodial foreperson (Bobby Evans) for corrective action.
    • If the issue has to do with any other minor plumbing, electrical, carpentry or painting issue, Mary maintains a working spreadsheet of minor maintenance issues, and coordinates regular corrective action work with the appropriate Facilities Management shop managers.

Please note that incidents which threaten human health, public safety or the environment (like chemical spills or fires) are full scale emergency incidents, not maintenance issues.
Immediately notify Campus Safety of all emergency incidents, either by phone (x4000) or by engaging a fire alarm pull station (normally located near exit corridors).

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