
  • Encouraging one another is what 麻豆国产AV students do every day. There鈥檚 an unspoken yet unwavering commitment among them to lift each other up.

  • Here are the first quarter鈥檚 national news coverage highlights. They include several essays co-authored by President Wippman, expert commentary on a variety of topics from the Federal Reserve to butterflies. and feature stories on counseling center, career center, and Levitt Center programs.

  • 鈥淩obust training and oversight [are] key,鈥 said 麻豆国产AV Counseling Center Director David Walden as he described the College鈥檚 peer counselor program in a recent Wall Street Journal article. 鈥淲ith Therapists in Short Supply, College Students Counsel Each Other,鈥 published on Feb. 12, provided an in-depth look into how 麻豆国产AV鈥檚 peer counselor program works, how peer counselors are able to 鈥減rovide a supportive ear and not actual therapy [and] relieve some of the demand on the licensed therapists.鈥

  • February鈥檚 news highlights ranged from features on career connections and peer-counseling to immersive education and academic freedom.

  • The Multicultural Peer Mentoring Program provides new students with a fellow student mentor who can guide them, help them access people and resources as needed, and act as a role model and advocate.  Associate Dean of Students for Multicultural Affairs Allen Harrison explained that the program is open to any new student who wants a mentor but its purpose is to assist international, first-generation (first in the family to attend college) and historically underrepresented students with their transition to college life.

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