
Area of Study
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Christian A. Johnson Hall 121

Michelle LeMasurier's research area is topological dynamics and her most recent publication is “Bratteli Diagrams for Bounded Topological Speedups,” with Drew Ash and Andrew Dykstra, which will appear in  Dynamical Systems: An International Journal. She earned her doctorate from the University of Georgia, a masters from New York University, and a bachelor's degree from the University of Colorado.  In 2006, LeMasurier received The Class of 1963 Excellence in Teaching Award, which was established in 1988 to recognize one 麻豆国产AV faculty member each year who demonstrates extraordinary commitment to teaching. She joined the 麻豆国产AV faculty in 2001.

Recent Courses Taught

Differential Equations I and II
Differential Geometry
Linear Algebra
Complex Analysis
Senior Seminar in Dynamics
Calculus I, Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus

Research Interests

Dynamical systems, topological dynamics, substitution minimal systems


  • Class of 1963 Excellence in Teaching Award, 2006
  • Graduate School Merit Enhancement Scholarship, 1996-97
  • Department of Mathematics Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Assistant Award, 1995
  • Department of Mathematics Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, 1994

Selected Publications

  • “Bratteli Diagrams for Bounded Topological Speedups”, with Drew Ash and Andrew Dykstra (Accepted (1/16/2023) to Dynamical Systems: An International Journal)
  • “Topological conjugacy for the Morse Minimal System: An example” with Andrew Dykstra (STDC Conference Proceedings, March 2019)
  • “Topological Conjugacy for a Class of Substitution Minimal Sets” with Ethan Coven, Andrew Dykstra, and Mike Keane (Indigationes Mathematica, June 2014)
  • “A Simple Proof of a Theorem of Cobham” with Andrew Dykstra and Ethan Coven (Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, June 2014)
  • “A Characterization of the Morse minimal set up to topological conjugacy” with Ethan Coven and Mike Keane (Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, May 2008)
  • “Bratteli Diagrams for Bounded Topological Speedups”, with Drew Ash and Andrew Dykstra (Accepted (1/16/2023) to Dynamical Systems: An International Journal)
  • “Topological conjugacy for the Morse Minimal System: An example” with Andrew Dykstra (STDC Conference Proceedings, March 2019)
  • “Topological Conjugacy for a Class of Substitution Minimal Sets” with Ethan Coven, Andrew Dykstra, and Mike Keane (Indigationes Mathematica, June 2014)
  • “A Simple Proof of a Theorem of Cobham” with Andrew Dykstra and Ethan Coven (Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, June 2014)
  • “A Characterization of the Morse minimal set up to topological conjugacy” with Ethan Coven and Mike Keane (Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, May 2008)

College Service

  • Co-Chair for the Kirkland Endowment Advisory Committee, summer 2023 - summer 2024.
  • Search Committee for tenure-track position in Women’s and Gender Studies, fall 2023 - spring 2024.
  • Primary Organizer for New Faculty Orientation and New Faculty Mentoring program, summer 2022 - summer 2023.
  • Organizing Committee for New Faculty Orientation, spring 2021 - present.
  • Faculty Advisor/Liason for the Engineering Program, fall 2021 - present.
  • Search Committee for Chief Diversity Officer, fall 2021 - spring 2022. First Year Course Advisory Committee, fall 2020 - spring 2023.
  • Member of Working Group 4 for Middle States Accreditation Committee, fall 2019 - spring 2020.
  • Member of AHA group Integrated Advising Allies, fall 2019 - spring 2020. Chair of Kirkland Endowment Advisory Committee, fall 2017 - spring 2021. Member, fall 2014 - spring 2021.
  • Elected member of Faculty Appeals Board, fall 2016 - fall 2019.
  • Faculty team affiliate for Women’s Lacrosse Team, fall 2008 - fall 2019.
  • Member of CAP subcommittee on the Social, Structural, and Institutional Hierarchies requirement, fall 2016 - spring 2017.
  • Faculty team affiliate for Women’s Basketball Team, fall 2017 - fall 2018.

Professional Affiliations

American Mathematical Society
Mathematical Association of America

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Georgia, Athens
M.A., Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
B.A., University of Colorado

Personal Interests

Skiing, hiking, gardening, travel and anything outdoors

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