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Schambach Center 210

Kay Paulsen has more than 40 years experience as an educator and professional singer, performing with the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Chicago and Atlanta symphony choruses, and as soloist with orchestras and choral societies throughout Illinois, Colorado, and Idaho.

She is noted for her ability to diagnose damaged voices and return them to vocal health. Paulsen has trained vocal performers in varying genres, as well as training primary- and secondary-level music teachers. She also works effectively with special-needs performers. Many of her former students have gone on to establish professional singing careers in multiple genres and all over the world.

Paulsen has a doctor of musical arts in voice performance and pedagogy from the University of Colorado, Boulder, also earning a graduate degree in music from Northwestern University and an undergraduate degree in music from Greenville University.

Educational Background

D.M.A., University of Colorado, Boulder
B.Mus., Northwestern University
B.Mus., Greenville University

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