
Email Address
Christian A. Johnson Hall 217

Jessica Burke's research and teaching interests include Latin American literature and culture with a special emphasis on Mexico. She has taught at Princeton and Rutgers University and has lived and studied in Spain, Argentina and Mexico. Burke received her doctorate in Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures from Princeton University in 2005.

Recent Courses Taught

Third Term Spanish
Conversation on Hispanic Cultures
Introductory Study of Spanish Literature
Introductory Study of Latin American Literature
Representing Gender in Mexico
Envisioning the Real: Fantasy, Fact and Fiction in Latin American Literature
Seminar: 1968: Massacre in Mexico City
Representing Gender in Latin America
Contemporary Latin American Novel
Seminar: Latin American Narrative from the "Boom" to the Present

Research Interests

Mexican literature, Latin American literature, identity, memory, gender studies, body and writing, history and the novel


  • Honorary member of Phi Sigma Iota (Foreign Language National Honor Society) Iota Nu chapter, 麻豆国产AV College, May 2005-present
  • Armstrong Prize, 2000-04, Princeton University
  • Graduate fellow (nominated by student), Mathey College, 2000-04
  • Mellon Summer Fellowship, summer 2000
  • Diploma de lengua española, nivel superior (UIMP), August 2000
  • Program in Latin American Studies Fellowship Award, 1999-2000
  • Rotary Foundation Academic Year Ambassadorial Scholarship, 1998-99
  • High honors, Spanish Honors Program, 1998
  • Katherine B. Woodward Award for Excellence in Spanish, 1998
  • 1st place in Vanderbilt University's Concurso de Poesía, 1997
  • Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honorary Society), 1996-98
  • Pugh-Hernandez Award for Study Abroad, fall 1996
  • Elliston Scholarship, 1995-1998
  • Hamrick Scholarship, 1994-1998

Selected Publications

  • "Re-negotiating Colonial Bodies in Historiographic Metafiction: Carmen Boullosa's Son vacas, somos puercos, Llanto: novelas imposibles, and Duerme." L'Érudit franco-espagnol (LEF-E). Vol. 6, fall 2014: 47-59. Web.
  • "Body, Identity, and the Writing Process in the Narrative of Carmen Boullosa." In Clemmen,  Yves-Antoine, Margit Grieb and Will Lehman, Eds. Current Trends in Language and Culture Studies. Boca Ratón: Brown Walker Press, 2013: 77-85. Print.
  • "Body, Performance, and Control in Pedro Almodóvar's Hable con ella." L'Érudit franco- espagnol (LEF-E). Vol. 2, fall 2012: 117-126. Web.
  • "Significant Silence in Elena Garro's Los perros." Hispania. Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2010: 23-28.  Print.
  • "Consuming the Other: Cannibals and Vampires in Carmen Boullosa's Fiction." Romance Notes.  Vol. 49, No. 2, 2009: 177-184. Print.
  • "Fantasizing the Feminine: Sex and Gender in Donoso's El lugar sin límites and Puig's El beso de la mujer araña." Romance Notes. Vol. 47, No. 3, 2007: 291-300. Print.

College Service

  • Committee on Academic Policy First-Year Course Subcommittee, 2012-13
  • Coordinator of "En construcción," a Work-in-Progress Series, Department of Hispanic Studies,  2012-13
  • Study Abroad Committee, 2011-12
  • Committee on Student Activities,  2008-12
  • Executive Committee, Diversity and Social Justice Project, 2009-11
  • Committee on Latin American Studies, 2007-present
  • 麻豆国产AV College Academic Year in Spain, 2007-present
  • Supervisor, Spanish Language Placement Exam, summer 2006-present
  • Coordinator, Spanish Language Table, 2004-06
  • Advisor, Spanish Club, 2006-09
  • Advisor, Meditation Group, 2004-10

Professional Affiliations

Modern Language Association
Latin American Studies Association
American Comparative Literature Association
The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese 

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Princeton University
  • Diploma de Verano, Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Diploma de lengua española, nivel superior, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain
  • Rotary Foundation Academic Year Ambassadorial Scholarship, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • B.A.,Vanderbilt University

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