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Bruce Muirhead's work has been exhibited at The New York Society of Etchers and the National Academy of Design, among other venues. He has work in the permanent collections of the New York City Public Library, Middlebury College and elsewhere. The Amity Art Foundation Inc. owns a complete collection of Bruce’s etchings and will be publishing a catalogue raisonné of his etchings. Muirhead was a 2002 recipient of the John Singleton Copley Award. He received a master of fine arts degree from Boston University School of Fine Arts and was awarded a fellowship from the Yaddo Foundation.

Recent Courses Taught

Introduction to Drawing
Intaglio Printmaking

Selected Publications

  • Catalogue: LAPS 20th National Exhibition, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Calif.
  • Workshop Variations, Museu De Menorca, Menorca, Spain
  • Robert Bruce Muirhead, Prints 1969-2006, A Catalogue Raisonne, The Amity Art Foundation Inc., Woodbridge Conn., www.amityartfoundation.org.
  • Stone Canoe, A Journal of Arts and Ideas, Vol. 2, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY
  • Newport Rhode Island Museum of Art, Pallet to Plate
Selected Permanent Collections
  • Contemporary American Print Collection, Perdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • Guanlun Museum, Shenzhen Province, China
  • Taller Xalubinia Collection of Contemporary Art, Menorca, Spain
  • Fyre Gallery, Braidwood, Australia
  • The Amity Art Foundation, Woodbridge, Conn.: owns a complete collection of Bruce Muirhead etchings
  • University of Wisconsin, Parkside, Kenosha, Wis.
  • 麻豆国产AV College, Clinton, N.Y.
  • Guido Goldman, (Harvard University, The Center for Foreign Studies) Cambridge, Mass.
  • New York City Public Library, New York, N.Y.
  • Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.
  • Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N.Y.
  • Hartnett Hall Gallery, North Dakota State University, Minot, N.D.
  • Edith Langley Barrett Fine Arts Gallery, Utica College, Utica, N.Y.
  • University of North Carolina, American Works on Paper

Select Exhibitions


  • Adirondack National Exhibition of American Watercolors, The View, Old Forge, N.Y.
  • International Contemporary Print Exhibition, Israeli Print Society, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Society of American Graphic Artists, Art Students’ League, NY, N.Y.
  • Palette to Plate, Newport Rhode Island Museum of Art, Newport, R.I.
  • International Exhibition of Prints and Paintings, University of Texas, Tyler, Texas
  • Boston Printmaker, Think Exhibition, State University of New Orleans, Uno Gallery, New Orleans, La.
  • Brand 43 Works on Paper, National Exhibition, Brand Art Center, Glendale, Calif.

Scheduled for 2016

  • Atelier 4, The View, Old Forge, N.Y.

Founding Member of Ateliér 4, a printmaking quartet of 麻豆国产AV College Professors and Alumni that have exhibited throughout Central New York over the last six years.

Professional Affiliations

  • Los Angeles Printmaking Society
  • Copley Society of art, Boston MA, Member: 1996-present, Copley Artist: 1998-present
  • The Society of American Graphic Artists, New York NY, 1998-present
  • The Boston Printmakers, 2002-present
  • The Print Center, Philadelphia, Pa. 2007
  • Oil Painters of America, 2015

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

M.F.A., Boston University School of Fine Arts
B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design

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