

Fall 2024: Urban Inequality in Large U.S. Cities

Director:  Paul Hagstrom, Professor of Economics
Phone:  315-859-4146
Email: phagstro@hamilton.edu

The organization and structure of cities create opportunities for economic vibrancy. Major US cities like New York also exhibit higher levels of income inequality within and across demographic groups. With the city as our classroom, we will observe, identify, and seek to explain the drivers of urban inequalities and evaluate policies and structures designed to address them.

395 Demography, Growth, and Inequality in New York City

Large US cities have long been the gateway to the United States for immigrants from around the world. These newcomers provide labor, spur economic growth and add cultural richness to New York. Using field trips and in-class readings, we will examine the roles of immigrants on the evolving economic and social fabric of the city.

396 Independent study

You will write a 20-25 page paper focusing on an economic policy or structure designed to address urban inequality. The paper must focus on New York City and should incorporate an experience, perhaps a volunteer experience, or a discussion with someone directly involved with the policy solution you decide to study.

398 Inequality in Large U.S. Cities

The structure of cities encourages economic growth. Yet, in our largest cities, economic growth tends to be associated with higher rates of poverty, higher rates of unemployment, and higher overall levels of economic inequality. Those at the low end of the economic spectrum tend to be geographically concentrated. Spatial segregation influences the availability of high quality food, the quality of publicly provided education, and the access to affordable housing and well-paying jobs. 

We will examine the history, social forces, and policy structures that affect economic inequality, with a special focus on New York and other large U.S. cities. Topics will include housing affordability and segregation, transportation, food deserts, urban labor markets, the digital economy, and demographic trends that affect the composition of our major cities.


Contact Name

Maddie Carrera

Director of Experiential Learning

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