

Labor Markets: NYC as a Classroom

Director:  Derek Jones, Professor of Economics
Phone:  315-859-4381
Email:  djones@hamilton.edu

  • One credit for the concentration in economics
College 395 Labor Economics

An experientially grounded examination of selected theoretical and empirical questions concerning the labor market. Topics will include: what are labor markets?; who participates in the labor market and how intensively?; labor demand; human resource and compensation systems in different sectors; labor unions in the private and public sectors; regulated and unregulated work in New York City; unemployment; membership in labor unions; economic effects of unions. We will meet once a week in-house and sometimes also at city-wide events (usually both).

College 396 Independent Study

Supervised tutorial ending with a substantial written project that integrates experience and learning from the internship with an academic perspective and knowledge gained in the seminars or other tutorial readings.

College 397 Internship

Approximately 32 hours per week (M, T, TH, F), paid or unpaid. Not graded but Cr/NC; Work experience with an organization or business or school or agency appropriate to the theme of the course; Internship should reflect your interests and planned concentration while still allowing you to contribute to the program’s classroom discussions; Appropriate examples include banks and financial institutions, media companies, law firms, regulatory agencies, labor unions; Weekly electronic journal entries chronicling and reflecting upon the experience required. End of semester evaluation by supervisor.

College 398 Employment and Labor in the Global City

 An introduction to issues in the broad field of employment and labor relations. Definitions, methods and evolution of the field. The employment relationship and major institutions. Job security, working conditions, work-life balance, human management resource policies, including methods of compensations. Field trips to sites and cases to illustrate key historical events and contemporary issues.


Contact Name

Maddie Carrera

Director of Experiential Learning

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