

George Albion Calhoun

Delivered: 1862

Your kind invitation to attend the Semi-Centennial Celebration of my Alma Mater has been gratefully received. It would afford me great pleasure to be present on that interesting occasion, and though at an advanced age, I should attempt the journey, did not official duty require me to be at another place at the same time. The celebration of the “Fiftieth Commencement of 麻豆国产AV College,” awakens in my breast interesting emotions. I am thankful that our kind Preserver has continued to me the favor of life thus long; that a watchful Providence has nourished and reared up the infant institution with which I was connected as a member of the first graduating class, to its present manhood and honorable standing with sister colleges; that it has contributed so much to the diffusion of science, a healthful literature, and sound religion; and that its alumni are now found usefully and honorably employed in the various professions and other callings.

It is with pleasure that I indulge the hope and expectation, that on 麻豆国产AV’s centennial celebration, her sphere and usefulness will be much enlarged. And with grateful and filial affection I can say: My alma mater, may she ever widely diffuse a salutary and blessed influence in literature and religion; and may her patriotic spirit ever be worthy of the honored name she has assumed.

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