

Science Stockroom & Facility Coordinator. Mary Collis is the facility’s primary liaison with Facilities Management, and can be reached by phone at x4914 or email at mcollis@hamilton.edu. If you need to notify someone about a maintenance emergency outside of regular business hours, please contact Campus Safety at x4000.

Environmental Protection, Safety & Sustainability. Brian Hansen is the facility’s Chemical Hygiene Officer, and can be reached by phone at x4647 or email at bhansen@hamilton.edu. However if you encounter an emergency that threatens human health, public safety or the environment, notify Campus Safety at x4000 before contacting Brian Hansen.

Science Center Custodial Foreperson. Bobby Evans is the Custodial Foreperson assigned to the facility, and can be reached through the Facilities Management’s pager system. Dial x4599, and pager #153 when prompted and leave a short message.

Academic Contacts:
Chair of the Science Chairs. Jen Borton is responsible for supervising the Science Center’s administrative assistants, coordinating summer research, and is the liaison between the Science Chairs and the Dean of Faculty’s office. She can be reached at x4693 or jborton@hamilton.edu.
Biology Chair. Bill Pfitsch, x4717 or wpfitsch@hamilton.edu.
Chemistry Chair. Karen Brewer, x4726 or kbrewer@hamilton.edu.
Computer Science Chair. Alistair Campbell, x4377 or acampbell@hamilton.edu.
Geoarchaeology Chair. Nathan Goodale x4398 or ngoodale@hamilton.edu.
Geosciences Chair. Todd Rayne, x4698 or trayne@hamilton.edu.
Physics Chair. Seth Major, x4919 or smajor@hamilton.edu.
Psychology Chair. Jennifer Borton, x4693 or jborton@hamilton.edu.

Safety/Chemical Hygiene Committee. Each academic department has a representative who acts as the Departmental Chemical Hygiene Officer (DCHO), whose responsibility it is to work with Brian Hansen and Mary Collis on various occupational and environmental compliance obligations for the Science Center. Membership on this committee includes the following:

Biology DCHO. Pearl Gapp, x4388 or pgapp@hamilton.edu.
Chemistry DCHO. Shawna O’Neil, x4748 or soneil@hamilton.edu. Geosciences DCHO. Dave Tewksbury, x4709 or dtewksbu@hamilton.edu.
Physics DCHO. Adam Lark, x4708 or alark@hamilton.edu.
Psychology DCHO. Doug Weldon, x4165 or dweldon@hamilton.edu.

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