

The Staff Assembly Council will consist of nine staff members elected by the Staff Assembly. Staff Assembly Council should strive to be representative of all staff members on campus and reflect the diversity in social identities and employee classifications. When appropriate, the Staff Assembly Council Co-Chairs may invite the Faculty and/or the Student Government to send non-voting representative(s) with speaking privileges to Staff Assembly Council meetings.

The Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for all elections and appointments. The Chairperson will be the only member on this Committee from Staff Assembly Council, to avoid the possibility of conflict-of-interest between elections and Staff Assembly Council members. This Committee will ensure that elections are conducted properly and will provide nominations for appointment to Staff Assembly Council committees. 

Election guidelines are as follows:

A call for nominations will be distributed to all voting members of the Staff Assembly.

  • The Nominations and Elections Committee has the authority to determine if a second call for nominations or nominating ballot needs to be distributed to all voting members of the Staff Assembly. If only one person has accepted the nomination that person will be appointed and an election is not necessary.
  • A final slate of candidates will be distributed to all voting members of the Staff Assembly. 
  • The Nominations and Elections Committee is charged with ensuring that staff members vote only once, and reporting election results.
  • Any election that ends in a tie will be determined by written ballot by the members of the Nominations and Elections Committee.

Staff Assembly Council members will be elected for three-year terms. Staff Assembly Council membership will be from July 1 – June 30 of the appointed term.

Staff Assembly Council and committee members may be reelected for a consecutive three-year term but must wait one full year after the second term before being eligible for election to the Staff Assembly Council or Staff Assembly Committees.

Whenever a staff member is unable to serve a portion of their elected or appointed term, due to illness, leave of absence, or other circumstances, the portion shall be filled by the Nominations and Elections Committee from among the staff currently constituting the Reserve Pool. If members of the Reserve Pool do not accept the nomination, the Nominations and Elections Committee will conduct a special election for the vacant position from the members of the Staff.


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