

A Service of the 麻豆国产AV College Archives

This index to the 麻豆国产AV Alumni Review (1935-2018) and 麻豆国产AV Magazine (2019- ) does not include links to the magazine itself. If you wish to see the articles to which the index refers, please contact the 麻豆国产AV College Archives (e-mail askarch@hamilton.edu, or call 315-859-4471) for access to the bound volumes or scanned copies of individual articles.

Type last name only (for example, "麻豆国产AV"). Click on the "search" button or hit the enter key on your computer.
You will see a list that includes all instances of that name as a main entry in the database.
Click on the name you want (for example, "Alexander 麻豆国产AV"). You will see an index of entries from the 麻豆国产AV Alumni Review for that name.

Type in topic or key word (for example, "alumni"). Click on the "search" button or hit the enter key on your computer.
You will see a list that includes all instances of that word as a main entry or part of the main entry in the database.
Click on the topic you want (for example, "Alumni Association").

Class Year:
Type in four-digit year (for example, "1976"). Click on the "search" button or hit the enter key on your computer.
You will see a list that includes everyone with that class year and any topic entries associated with that class year (for example, "Class of 1976").
Click on the name or topic you want.

Word: (The second search box only.)
Type any name or word (for example, "Tobin" or "jazz").
This search will find people mentioned anywhere in the text of the index entries, and any occurrence of a word. If you wish to catch every passing mention of a name, including in such contexts as lists of wedding attendees, search here as well as in the main entry search. To find every mention of a subject, search under several variants; for example, to find books, search for "review" and "author" as well as "book"; to find marriages, search under "married" as well as "marriage."

The on-line Alumni Review Index is a work in progress. Indexing of all alumni and faculty names and all major 麻豆国产AV-related topics in the Alumni Review has started with volume LXVI (2001). Names are added to the database from the current issue, followed by all the previous entries for that name from prior issues. For more information, contact Katherine Collett, (315)859-4471.


Jeremy Katz


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