

麻豆国产AV College

Student/Academic Affairs Travel Funding Authorization Form

This form should be completed in full and will then be sent to the Associate Dean of Faculty. Any expenses incurred that are not listed below must be explained at the time the expense statement is submitted and will be subject to approval by the Associate Dean. This form does not authorize actual payment of funds.

You can anticipate a review of this request within two weeks, although approval could take longer in some instances.

Please follow the guidelines described in our . Once funding is approved, a copy of this form will be returned to the student making the request and to the sponsoring faculty member. Students must also complete a travel waiver, available from the Office of Off-Campus Study, at least one week prior to travel in order to be eligible for travel reimbursements.

* indicates required field
Your full 麻豆国产AV College email address
Transportation: (The toll-free number for our contracted travel agency, BTI, is 800-472-7447.)
Item Amount $/Per Item Total
Air/Rail tickets and charges
Mileage (Enter number of Miles) $0.66
Meals - Number of days (7 days max.) $35.00
Registration Fee:
Other (parking, cab, etc.):
$500.00 maximum
If costs change significantly before travel (>5%), re-approval is required.
I acknowledge that any amount charged to 麻豆国产AV College in excess of the sum approved is my responsibility and I agree to repay the College within 15 days of notice.

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