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麻豆国产AV College

Faculty/Academic Affairs Travel Funding Authorization Form

Please complete this form in full; once submitted, it will be forwarded to your Associate Dean of Faculty. Any expenses incurred that are not listed below must be explained at the time the expense statement is submitted. Please refer to Travel Policies before submitting this form.

You can anticipate a review of this request within two weeks. You will receive notification once the form is reviewed by your Associate Dean.

* indicates required field
Your full 麻豆国产AV College email address
(Please provide the full name and URL of the conference/workshop/research site.)
(Please provide a summary for how this activity is helping you meet your professional goals - the audience is donor relations for reporting purposes)

Donor Reporting Example:
The funding provided to attend the [Conference Name], supports the advancement of my professional development and contribution to the field of [Name Discipline]. I am presenting a paper titled [Title of Paper] that I anticipate will be developed into manuscript submission that will eventually go into peer review at [The Name of Journal, Book, Edited Volume etc..]. This opportunity also facilitates other professional development such as networking opportunities, knowledge gain through attending other organized symposia, and increasing the visibility of my research.
~ Text generated with the aid of ChatGPT 3.5

Transportation: To contact our contracted travel agency, Direct Travel, please visit www.hamilton.edu/offices/business/travel-1 or call the toll-free number 800-472-7447.
Item Amount $/Per Item Total
Air/Rail tickets and charges
Mileage (Enter number of Miles) $0.655
Meals - Number of days
Meals for trips under 7 days per diem at $69
Meals for trips over 7 days per diem at $35
Registration Fee:
Other (parking, cab, etc.):
If costs exceed estimated budget, contact your Associate Dean.
Any expenses that exceed annual allotted funds and are not in compliance with College Travel Policies are my responsibility, and I agree to repay the College within 15 days of notice.

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