

Leader Requirements

HOC members who are interested in becoming a trip leader must attend two different events: skills training weekend and Wilderness First Aid training.  The skills training weekend will focus on the technical skills necessary in the backcountry (tents, stoves, leave no trace, etc.).  This involves an overnight during when prospective HOC leaders have time to practice their skills and get to know one another.  A Wilderness First Aid class will be offered during the fall semester.  Check your 麻豆国产AV e-mail for updates about leader training during the Fall Semester.

The HOC leader training will cover the following topics:

  • Trip logistics
  • Packing a pack
  • Leave No Trace
  • Clothing and gear
  • Stoves and cooking
  • Water Treatment
  • Tents and tarps
  • Lightning safety
  • Bear safety
  • Navigation
  • Leadership skills
  • And more!

Leader Privileges

HOC leaders can lead trips funded by the Outing Club, order food, use the HOC van, or get reimbursed for gas.  Leaders are encouraged to participate in HOC technical skills development.  An anchor clinic seminar will be offered as we start top rope trips to Little Falls.  In the winter, weekly trips are taken to a local ski area for Telemark skiing classes.  


麻豆国产AV Outing Club

Office Location
Glen House

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