
Area of Study
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Christian A. Johnson Hall 203

Joana Sabadell-Nieto specializes in the recent literatures of Spain with an emphasis on feminist and gender theory and on women's writing. Sabadell-Nieto is a researcher at the Women and Literature Center of the University of Barcelona, where she studies community representations in postmodern women writers and filmmakers. She has published several collections of essays and written two books. Fragmentos de sentido. La identidad transgresora de Jaime Gil de Biedma examines the successful homographesis during the dictatorship of one of Spain's most famous poets. Desbordamientos/ Overflowings is an analysis of feminist interventions in today's culture.

Recent Courses Taught

Spanish Literature in Film
What/how can we learn from Literature and History
Spanish Women in Literature and Film: "Chicas de película"
Literature and Urban Space: Senior Seminar
Exploring Hispanic Texts


  • Literatura y comunidades: una visión desde el género/ Literature and Communities: Gender Perspectives. Research Project of the National Plan of the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. Research Center Women and Literature. University of Barcelona, Spain. (In collaboration with colleagues from universities in Spain and France). Main Researcher. Dr. Marta Segarra. 2012-14
  • Representacions de la comunitat en les escriptores i cineastes de la postmodernitat// Community Representations in Postmodern Women Writers and Filmmakers. Centre Dona i Literatura - Universitat de Barcelona. Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, D.G.I (Spain’s Department of Education and Sciences/ Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia), ref.FFI2008-03621/FILO. Main researcher, Dr. Marta Segarra. 2009-11
  • Feminisme i gènere en la cultura popular actual. Escriptura de les dones a la literatura, el cinema i suports audiovisuals a Espanya (1995-2007) (FGCPA). (Feminism and Gender in Contemporary Popular Culture.  Women’s writing in literature, film and audiovisual technologies in Spain (1995-2007). Main researcher: Dra. Helena González, Centre Dona i Literatura - Universitat de Barcelona. Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, Instituto de la Mujer (Department of Labour and Social Affairs/Ministerio del Trabajo y de Asuntos Sociales.  Spain), exp. nº 091/07. 2008-09
  • La política del desig en el cinema i la literatura de dones a Espanya (1995-2002). (Politics of Desire in Spanish Women’s Film and Literature-1995-2002). Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, Instituto de la Mujer (Ministerio del Trabajo y de Asuntos Sociales/ Department of Labour and Social Affairs), exp. nº 67/03 (octubre 2003-octubre 2006). Main Researcher, Dr. Marta Segarra. 2003-06
  • Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/ Diversity Leave Program. SUNY at Albany. 2000

Selected Publications

Books and collections of essays:

  • 2014: Differences in Common. Gender, Vulnerability and Community. Collection of essays. Joana Sabadell-Nieto and Marta Segarra, eds. Rodopi Publishers, Amsterdam.
  • 2011: Desbordamientos. Transformaciones culturales y políticas de las mujeres. (Overflowings. Women's Political and Cultural Transformations) Editorial Icaria. Barcelona.   
  • 2009: Women and Nations (special issue). LECTORA. Revista de dones i textualitat. Centre Dona i Literatura. UNESCO Center for the Development of Women and Cultures Universitat de Barcelona. Invited coordinator and editor of the issue and author of the introduction and one essay.
  • 2007: Cien años de poesía. 53 poemas en catalán, gallego y vasco: estructuras poéticas y pautas críticas. (One Hundred Years of Poetry. 53 Poems in Catalan, Galician and Basque: Poetic Structures and  Critical Guidelines). Book Coordinator. Co-editor with Jon Kortazar, José M. Paz Gago and Lucía Fraga, and author of the introductory study and one article. Peter Lang Publishers: Berne, Switzerland.
  • 1999: Mosaico ibérico. Ensayos sobre  poesía y diversidad. (Iberian Mosaic. Essays on Poetry and Diversity). Editor and author of the introduction. Ediciones Júcar: Madrid-Gijón.
  • 1997: Fragmentos de sentido. La identidad transgresora de Jaime Gil de Biedma. (Fragments of Meaning. The transgressive identity of Jaime Gil de Biedma). Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias -P.P.U.- Universitat de Barcelona.
  • 1995: Spain Today: Essays on Literature, Culture, Society. Co-editor with Christina Dupláa, José F. Colmeiro and Patricia Greene. Hanover, NH.

Essays, chapters in books, articles:

  • 2015: "Relatarse-Relacionarse: ah, oh, esas ficciones románticas", Rosalía de Castro no século XXI. Unha nova ollada. Consello da Cultura Galega. Santiago de Compostela.
  • 2014: "Passionately loosing oneself", Differences in Common. Gender, Vulnerability and Community Joana Sabadell-Nieto and Marta Segarra , eds. Rodopi Publishers, Amsterdam, spring 2014.
  • 2012: “Feminismo y ética de las alianzas” ("Feminism and the Ethics of Alliances"),  Repensar la comunidad desde la literatura y el género (Rethinking Community through Literature and Gender), Marta Segarra, ed., Editorial Icaria/ Academia, Barcelona , 71-88.
  • 2011: “Cuestiones que a todos interesan: Gonzalo Torrente Ballester y su Fuero interno” ("Matters of common interest: Gonzalo Torrrente Ballester and his Inner Self"), Ínsula: revista de letras y ciencias humanas,780, diciembre, Madrid. 
  • 2009: “Feminación” ("Femination"). Women and Nations (special issue). LECTORA. Revista de dones i textualitat. Centre Dona i Literatura. UNESCO Center for the Development of Women and Cultures, Universitat de Barcelona. Invited coordinator of the special issue and author of the introduction and one essay. 61-74.  
  • 2009: Introduction.  Women and Nations (special issue). LECTORA.  Revista de dones i textualitat. Centre Dona i Literatura. UNESCO Center for the Development of Women and Culture Universitat de Barcelona. Invited coordinator of the special issue and author of the introduction and one essay. 11-19.  
  • Prologue to Poemaherida. Book of Poems by Elizabeth Robles. Puerto Rico. Sculpture/book edited by the author.

College Service

Chair, General Director and Director-in-Residence HCAYS Madrid, 2013-15

Professional Affiliations

Researcher. Centre Dona i Literatura. UNESCO Center for the Development of Women and Cultures Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), 2006-present

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D. Spanish literature, University of Pennsylvania
M.A., University of Pennsylvania
B.A./M.A., University of Navarra, Spain (Licenciatura)

Personal Interests

feminist thought and gender theory, (trans) national studies, science-fiction, cinema

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